Dataology and Data Science Research Center directed by Prof. Yangyong Zhu. It renamed from “Data Mining Group (DMGroup)” which was one of the earliest data mining research teams in China, constructed in 1999. In 2004, Prof. Zhu believed strongly that datanature has been forming because of data explosion and a new science is demanded. Thus, he presented the term “Dataology” and devoted to Dataology re-search. In 2007, Research Center for Dataology and DataScience was founded.
Research Center for Dataology and DataScience aims to study on the theories, methods and tech-nologies of Dataology and Data Science. It is comprised of seven branches, including Data Resource Service Office, Dataology and Data Science Research Lab, New Economy Development Strategy Re-search Lab, Bio-Medical Data Research Lab, Brain Informatics Research Group, Intelligent Transportation Data Research Group and Financial Data Research Group. The center has a research staff of 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 instructors and more than 30 postgraduates. Its research interests include diverse aspects and applications of Dataology and Data Science. In addition, the center has been in charge of various projects sponsored by government and companies which are related to finance, in-surance, stock market, intelligent transportation, bio-medical area, etc. The center held the 1st Inter-national Workshop on Dataology and Data Science on June 22nd-23rd, 2010.